Event & Kurser
Möt Lauren Currie – representant för The power of kindness; den lönsamma superkraften snällhet som påverkar ditt resultat och gör ditt ledarskap framgångsrikt

Möt Lauren Currie – representant för The power of kindness; den lönsamma superkraften snällhet som påverkar ditt resultat och gör ditt ledarskap framgångsrikt

Lauren Currie är keynote speaker, superentreprenör och grundare av Upfront Global. Lauren är ambassadör för The power of kindness, och tror på snällhet och ödmjukhet som en superkraft, likväl som att allas röster ska få höras. Dessutom sprider det styrka som rustar oss i en starkare tro på oss själva och det vi representerar. Tänk över hur du använder vänlighet i din egen verksamhet, en faktor som ger direkt effekt i både ditt företags resultat och i ditt eget ledarskap. Vi citerar Lauren: “I am building a Confidence Revolution and you are invited!”

Hej Lauren Currie! Which period or incident in your life/career has had the most impact on you, and why?

Becoming a mother has changed me in ways I’m still trying to make sense of. It’s the greatest thing and the hardest thing. Raising him is the most important I have ever done and ever will do.

Please tell us about a “wow-factor” you have experienced in your work? 

There is something very powerful about having a role to play in another woman making her dreams a reality. I do this every single day and it’s an incredible privilege. 

Share your biggest (or almost biggest if you would prefer that :))  professional mistake with us, and what you believe you learned from that?

There are so many to chose from. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. I start to worry if things feel too easy. The biggest mistake I’ve made is probably not knowing my worth – and this is an ongoing process that I’m still learning. 

Please, give us a small teaser: what key take aways can the attendees expect from your talk?

I’ll be telling stories about these key takeaways; 

– confidence is a skill anyone can learn
– kindness is a key pillar of a successful business and should be treated as such 
– if you don’t lead with kindness you will not own the future 

“We can be kind and confident, kind and revolutionary, kind and powerful. Kindness is an invisible competitive advantage in business and in life. I’m here to make it visible.”

“The power of kindness – and how it effects the bottom line” Lauren Currie talar den 21 april, 2021  »

Skribent: Alexandra Appelqvist, IDG Sverige. Du når mig på alexandra.appelqvist@idg.se.


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Skrivet av: Alexandra Appelqvist